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We also provide many models that combine clutches and brakes with motors andspeed reducers. … The output shaft is braked when clutch current is shut off and the brake is energized in respons.

A clutch is a transmission and control device that provides for energy transfer from the driver to the driven shaft. A brake is a transmission and control device that stops a moving load, regulates movement, or holds a load at rest by transforming kinetic energy into heat.

Clutch Control When Braking to Stop. While driving on road, start pushing the carbrake gently without playing with the gear. Continue with the same process unless the RPMs are slightly above idle. On reaching the approximate state of idle, press theclutch and shift the stick in lower gear.

Clutch Brake – Is a mechanism that is designed to stop the input shaft for the transmission from rotating which allows the transmission and gears to line up correctly when placing the transmission into gear from a standing start. The brake should only be applied when starting out from a stand still.

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